2024 Advent-Christmastide Latin Mass Schedule (as announced)
following schedule are the special Latin Masses as currently announced
as well as schedule changes. If additional Latin Masses or schedule
changes are announced we will post them in the weeks ahead. Please also view our recent posts for updates.
All other regularly scheduled Latin Masses are presumed to be taking place unless otherwise noted.
Saturday December 21
6:30 a.m., Prince of Peace (Taylors SC), Rorate Mass
Sunday December 22
12:30 p.m. Saint Ann parish annual traditional blessing of religious objects following immediately after 12:30 p.m. Latin Mass.
Note: The Rorate Mass is an especially beautiful candlelight celebration of the Eucharist held at dawn on a Saturday during Advent, honoring Our Lady and preparing for the coming Light of the World, the Incarnate Word, at Christmas.
Wednesday December 25
12:00 a.m., Saint Ann, The Nativity of Our Lord: First Mass at Midnight
12:00 a.m., Saint Thomas Aquinas, The Nativity of Our Lord: First Mass at Midnight
12:00 a.m., Church of the Epiphany (Blowing Rock), The Nativity of Our Lord: First Mass at Midnight
12:00 a.m., Saint John the Baptist (Tryon), The Nativity of Our Lord: First Mass at Midnight
11:00 a.m., Our Lady of Grace (Greensboro)
1:00 p.m., Our Lady of the Lake (Chapin SC)
Thursday December 26
7:00 p.m., Saint Thomas Aquinas Latin Mass canceled
11:00 a.m., Saint John the Baptist (Tryon), High Mass
Friday, December 27
8:30 a.m., Saint John the Baptist (Tryon) Latin Mass canceled
9:30 a.m., Church of the Epiphany (Blowing Rock) Latin Mass canceled
Saturday, December 28
8:00 a.m., Saint Ann 4th Saturday Respect Life Mass canceled
Wednesday January 1
12:00 a.m., Our Lady of Grace (Greensboro), Octave-Day of the Nativity (Feast of the Circumcision) at Midnight
12:00 a.m., Church of the Epiphany (Blowing Rock), Octave-Day of the Nativity (Feast of the Circumcision) at Midnight
9:00 a.m., Saint Ann, Octave-Day of the Nativity (Feast of the Circumcision) (Confessions to follow until 11:30 a.m.)
6:00 p.m., Saint Ann, Latin Mass canceled
6:30 p.m., Saint John the Baptist (Tryon), Octave-Day of the Nativity (Feast of the Circumcision)
6:30 p.m., Our Lady of the Lake (Chapin SC), Octave-Day of the Nativity (Feast of the Circumcision)
Sunday January 5
12:30 p.m., Saint Ann, Annual Epiphany blessing of water, chalk and salt will occur immediately after regularly scheduled Sunday Mass
Monday January 6 (Feast of the Epiphany of Our Lord)
7:00 a.m., Saint Ann
6:00 p.m., Church of the Epiphany (Blowing Rock)
6:30 p.m., Our Lady of Grace (Greensboro)
6:30 p.m., Saint John the Baptist (Tryon), (Epiphany blessing will occur prior to Mass at 6:00 p.m.)
6:30 p.m., Our Lady of the Lake (Chapin SC), (Including blessing of salt, oils, and water)
Note: It is customary to bless water, chalk, and salt on or around the Vigil of the Epiphany. If more blessings are announced they will be added to the above list.