Blessing of Bread Tomorrow & Fr. Jones Reception February 12

Dear Friends in Christ,

Tomorrow Wednesday February 5 is the Feast of Saint Agatha and there is an ancient custom to bless bread on her feast day.

After the 6:00 p.m. Latin Mass at Saint Ann parish, Father Reid has kindly offered to bless any bread you may wish to bring to be blessed. Please leave the bread on the table in the narthex prior to Mass (he will bless them immediately after Mass).

Father Jones Farewell Reception - Wednesday February 12, 7:00 p.m.

Saint Ann will be sponsoring a farewell reception for Father Jones after the 6:00 p.m. Latin Mass on Wednesday February 12. A light reception will be held in the Allen Center. Many did not have a chance to say goodbye to Father, so this will be your opportunity to thank him and wish him well on his new assignment.

Lastly, we thank everyone who brought dishes and desserts for Sunday's annual End-of-Christmas Potluck!

~ Carolina Traditional Liturgy Society